** Ultimate Compo 3000X RESULTS! ** -- [PLACE 1 -=> nervous <=- Done by -=> Ceekayed <=- with 172pts ] [PLACE 2 -=> found <=- Done by -=> coda <=- with 167pts ] [PLACE 3 -=> pchri <=- Done by -=> HyoChan <=- with 165pts ] [PLACE 4 -=> elitespeed <=- Done by -=> troupe <=- with 148pts ] [PLACE 5 -=> dongofteflon <=- Done by -=> xaimus <=- with 145pts ] [PLACE 6 -=> hymn <=- Done by -=> Decibelter <=- with 134pts ] [PLACE 7 -=> to <=- Done by -=> QuategoryApl <=- with 128pts ] [PLACE 8 -=> owl <=- Done by -=> reduz <=- with 119pts ] [PLACE 9 -=> Gusto <=- Done by -=> DenseGoo <=- with 93pts ] [PLACE 10 -=> Whacked <=- Done by -=> flare <=- with 92pts ] [PLACE 11 -=> sparse <=- Done by -=> ToastyX <=- with 81pts ] [PLACE 12 -=> nnl <=- Done by -=> s-go <=- with 74pts ] [PLACE 13 -=> ohno <=- Done by -=> eKid <=- with 71pts ] [PLACE 14 -=> well <=- Done by -=> Skettino <=- with 46pts ] [PLACE 15 -=> ridiculus <=- Done by -=> soc <=- with 45pts ] -- --=> DenseGoo <=- Has voted the folowing: [\_Place -=> 1 <=-=> pchri_/] [\_Place -=> 2 <=-=> found_/] [\_Place -=> 3 <=-=> elitespeed_/] [\_Place -=> 4 <=-=> nervous_/] [\_Place -=> 5 <=-=> dongofteflon_/] [\_Place -=> 6 <=-=> sparse_/] [\_Place -=> 7 <=-=> ohno_/] [\_Place -=> 8 <=-=> owl_/] [\_Place -=> 9 <=-=> to_/] [\_Place -=> 10 <=-=> hymn_/] [\_Place -=> 11 <=-=> Whacked_/] [\_Place -=> 12 <=-=> nnl_/] [\_Place -=> 13 <=-=> well_/] [\_Place -=> 14 <=-=> ridiculus_/] [\_Place -=> 15 <=-=> Gusto_/] --=> xaimus <=- Has voted the folowing: [\_Place -=> 1 <=-=> nervous_/] [\_Place -=> 2 <=-=> to_/] [\_Place -=> 3 <=-=> found_/] [\_Place -=> 4 <=-=> Gusto_/] [\_Place -=> 5 <=-=> owl_/] [\_Place -=> 6 <=-=> elitespeed_/] [\_Place -=> 7 <=-=> pchri_/] [\_Place -=> 8 <=-=> sparse_/] [\_Place -=> 9 <=-=> hymn_/] [\_Place -=> 10 <=-=> Whacked_/] [\_Place -=> 11 <=-=> ohno_/] [\_Place -=> 12 <=-=> nnl_/] [\_Place -=> 13 <=-=> well_/] [\_Place -=> 14 <=-=> ridiculus_/] [\_Place -=> 15 <=-=> dongofteflon_/] --=> flare <=- Has voted the folowing: [\_Place -=> 1 <=-=> pchri_/] [\_Place -=> 2 <=-=> nervous_/] [\_Place -=> 3 <=-=> found_/] [\_Place -=> 4 <=-=> to_/] [\_Place -=> 5 <=-=> hymn_/] [\_Place -=> 6 <=-=> dongofteflon_/] [\_Place -=> 7 <=-=> Gusto_/] [\_Place -=> 8 <=-=> elitespeed_/] [\_Place -=> 9 <=-=> well_/] [\_Place -=> 10 <=-=> sparse_/] [\_Place -=> 11 <=-=> ridiculus_/] [\_Place -=> 12 <=-=> owl_/] [\_Place -=> 13 <=-=> ohno_/] [\_Place -=> 14 <=-=> nnl_/] [\_Place -=> 15 <=-=> Whacked_/] --=> troupe <=- Has voted the folowing: [\_Place -=> 1 <=-=> hymn_/] [\_Place -=> 2 <=-=> nervous_/] [\_Place -=> 3 <=-=> found_/] [\_Place -=> 4 <=-=> dongofteflon_/] [\_Place -=> 5 <=-=> pchri_/] [\_Place -=> 6 <=-=> to_/] [\_Place -=> 7 <=-=> Gusto_/] [\_Place -=> 8 <=-=> Whacked_/] [\_Place -=> 9 <=-=> owl_/] [\_Place -=> 10 <=-=> nnl_/] [\_Place -=> 11 <=-=> sparse_/] [\_Place -=> 12 <=-=> ohno_/] [\_Place -=> 13 <=-=> ridiculus_/] [\_Place -=> 14 <=-=> well_/] [\_Place -=> 15 <=-=> elitespeed_/] --=> HyoChan <=- Has voted the folowing: [\_Place -=> 1 <=-=> nervous_/] [\_Place -=> 2 <=-=> found_/] [\_Place -=> 3 <=-=> dongofteflon_/] [\_Place -=> 4 <=-=> to_/] [\_Place -=> 5 <=-=> hymn_/] [\_Place -=> 6 <=-=> elitespeed_/] [\_Place -=> 7 <=-=> Whacked_/] [\_Place -=> 8 <=-=> nnl_/] [\_Place -=> 9 <=-=> owl_/] [\_Place -=> 10 <=-=> Gusto_/] [\_Place -=> 11 <=-=> ohno_/] [\_Place -=> 12 <=-=> sparse_/] [\_Place -=> 13 <=-=> ridiculus_/] [\_Place -=> 14 <=-=> well_/] [\_Place -=> 15 <=-=> pchri_/] --=> coda <=- Has voted the folowing: [\_Place -=> 1 <=-=> pchri_/] [\_Place -=> 2 <=-=> elitespeed_/] [\_Place -=> 3 <=-=> dongofteflon_/] [\_Place -=> 4 <=-=> hymn_/] [\_Place -=> 5 <=-=> to_/] [\_Place -=> 6 <=-=> nervous_/] [\_Place -=> 7 <=-=> sparse_/] [\_Place -=> 8 <=-=> owl_/] [\_Place -=> 9 <=-=> nnl_/] [\_Place -=> 10 <=-=> ohno_/] [\_Place -=> 11 <=-=> Gusto_/] [\_Place -=> 12 <=-=> Whacked_/] [\_Place -=> 13 <=-=> well_/] [\_Place -=> 14 <=-=> ridiculus_/] [\_Place -=> 15 <=-=> found_/] --=> s-go <=- Has voted the folowing: [\_Place -=> 1 <=-=> nervous_/] [\_Place -=> 2 <=-=> found_/] [\_Place -=> 3 <=-=> dongofteflon_/] [\_Place -=> 4 <=-=> elitespeed_/] [\_Place -=> 5 <=-=> pchri_/] [\_Place -=> 6 <=-=> owl_/] [\_Place -=> 7 <=-=> hymn_/] [\_Place -=> 8 <=-=> to_/] [\_Place -=> 9 <=-=> sparse_/] [\_Place -=> 10 <=-=> Whacked_/] [\_Place -=> 11 <=-=> ohno_/] [\_Place -=> 12 <=-=> Gusto_/] [\_Place -=> 13 <=-=> ridiculus_/] [\_Place -=> 14 <=-=> well_/] [\_Place -=> 15 <=-=> nnl_/] --=> skettino <=- Has voted the folowing: [\_Place -=> 1 <=-=> nervous_/] [\_Place -=> 2 <=-=> hymn_/] [\_Place -=> 3 <=-=> Whacked_/] [\_Place -=> 4 <=-=> to_/] [\_Place -=> 5 <=-=> nnl_/] [\_Place -=> 6 <=-=> elitespeed_/] [\_Place -=> 7 <=-=> owl_/] [\_Place -=> 8 <=-=> sparse_/] [\_Place -=> 9 <=-=> pchri_/] [\_Place -=> 10 <=-=> found_/] [\_Place -=> 11 <=-=> ridiculus_/] [\_Place -=> 12 <=-=> Gusto_/] [\_Place -=> 13 <=-=> dongofteflon_/] [\_Place -=> 14 <=-=> ohno_/] [\_Place -=> 15 <=-=> well_/] --=> ToastyX <=- Has voted the folowing: [\_Place -=> 1 <=-=> elitespeed_/] [\_Place -=> 2 <=-=> found_/] [\_Place -=> 3 <=-=> nervous_/] [\_Place -=> 4 <=-=> pchri_/] [\_Place -=> 5 <=-=> hymn_/] [\_Place -=> 6 <=-=> dongofteflon_/] [\_Place -=> 7 <=-=> owl_/] [\_Place -=> 8 <=-=> to_/] [\_Place -=> 9 <=-=> Whacked_/] [\_Place -=> 10 <=-=> Gusto_/] [\_Place -=> 11 <=-=> nnl_/] [\_Place -=> 12 <=-=> ridiculus_/] [\_Place -=> 13 <=-=> ohno_/] [\_Place -=> 14 <=-=> well_/] [\_Place -=> 15 <=-=> sparse_/] --=> Ceekayed <=- Has voted the folowing: [\_Place -=> 1 <=-=> to_/] [\_Place -=> 2 <=-=> pchri_/] [\_Place -=> 3 <=-=> found_/] [\_Place -=> 4 <=-=> Whacked_/] [\_Place -=> 5 <=-=> dongofteflon_/] [\_Place -=> 6 <=-=> hymn_/] [\_Place -=> 7 <=-=> owl_/] [\_Place -=> 8 <=-=> elitespeed_/] [\_Place -=> 9 <=-=> well_/] [\_Place -=> 10 <=-=> ridiculus_/] [\_Place -=> 11 <=-=> ohno_/] [\_Place -=> 12 <=-=> Gusto_/] [\_Place -=> 13 <=-=> sparse_/] [\_Place -=> 14 <=-=> nnl_/] [\_Place -=> 15 <=-=> nervous_/] --=> eKid <=- Has voted the folowing: [\_Place -=> 1 <=-=> pchri_/] [\_Place -=> 2 <=-=> nervous_/] [\_Place -=> 3 <=-=> found_/] [\_Place -=> 4 <=-=> Gusto_/] [\_Place -=> 5 <=-=> elitespeed_/] [\_Place -=> 6 <=-=> owl_/] [\_Place -=> 7 <=-=> nnl_/] [\_Place -=> 8 <=-=> dongofteflon_/] [\_Place -=> 9 <=-=> to_/] [\_Place -=> 10 <=-=> Whacked_/] [\_Place -=> 11 <=-=> hymn_/] [\_Place -=> 12 <=-=> sparse_/] [\_Place -=> 13 <=-=> ridiculus_/] [\_Place -=> 14 <=-=> well_/] [\_Place -=> 15 <=-=> ohno_/] --=> soc <=- Has voted the folowing: [\_Place -=> 1 <=-=> found_/] [\_Place -=> 2 <=-=> dongofteflon_/] [\_Place -=> 3 <=-=> elitespeed_/] [\_Place -=> 4 <=-=> hymn_/] [\_Place -=> 5 <=-=> pchri_/] [\_Place -=> 6 <=-=> nervous_/] [\_Place -=> 7 <=-=> Gusto_/] [\_Place -=> 8 <=-=> ohno_/] [\_Place -=> 9 <=-=> sparse_/] [\_Place -=> 10 <=-=> owl_/] [\_Place -=> 11 <=-=> Whacked_/] [\_Place -=> 12 <=-=> to_/] [\_Place -=> 13 <=-=> well_/] [\_Place -=> 14 <=-=> nnl_/] [\_Place -=> 15 <=-=> ridiculus_/] --=> Decibelter <=- Has voted the folowing: [\_Place -=> 1 <=-=> pchri_/] [\_Place -=> 2 <=-=> elitespeed_/] [\_Place -=> 3 <=-=> dongofteflon_/] [\_Place -=> 4 <=-=> found_/] [\_Place -=> 5 <=-=> nnl_/] [\_Place -=> 6 <=-=> owl_/] [\_Place -=> 7 <=-=> nervous_/] [\_Place -=> 8 <=-=> ohno_/] [\_Place -=> 9 <=-=> to_/] [\_Place -=> 10 <=-=> Gusto_/] [\_Place -=> 11 <=-=> sparse_/] [\_Place -=> 12 <=-=> well_/] [\_Place -=> 13 <=-=> ridiculus_/] [\_Place -=> 14 <=-=> Whacked_/] [\_Place -=> 15 <=-=> hymn_/] --=> QuategoryApl <=- Has voted the folowing: [\_Place -=> 1 <=-=> nervous_/] [\_Place -=> 2 <=-=> pchri_/] [\_Place -=> 3 <=-=> dongofteflon_/] [\_Place -=> 4 <=-=> found_/] [\_Place -=> 5 <=-=> owl_/] [\_Place -=> 6 <=-=> hymn_/] [\_Place -=> 7 <=-=> elitespeed_/] [\_Place -=> 8 <=-=> Whacked_/] [\_Place -=> 9 <=-=> ohno_/] [\_Place -=> 10 <=-=> Gusto_/] [\_Place -=> 11 <=-=> well_/] [\_Place -=> 12 <=-=> sparse_/] [\_Place -=> 13 <=-=> ridiculus_/] [\_Place -=> 14 <=-=> nnl_/] [\_Place -=> 15 <=-=> to_/] ---------- This results were generated with Compo Manager. (c)1999 Juan Linietksy (AKA reduz) - reddy@dymail.com.ar